Content Digitization, OCR, Data Capture, eBook Services in INDIA

Case Study

Document scanning with OCR


This technology converts all printed documents into searchable digital files that can be easily stored on DVD, hard drives and network servers. OCR technology makes it possible to find a topic, word or sentence located within multiple documents in a matter of moments.

Converting documents to searchable digital files eliminates the need for traditional filing and long term storage of deteriorating paper records. The ability to generate multiple digital copies for on and off site storage is also a major benefit thereby averting total loss through theft, fire or flood. Significant space saving is also achieved in the digital conversion process.

Many different types of documents can be scanned with OCR including standard printed material, typed documents, maps, newspaper clippings, plans and illustrations with text.

In summary document scanning with OCR is a relatively inexpensive process that has significant advantages over storing and searching for deteriorating paper files.